St. Columba’s
Scottish  Episcopal  Church

Queen Street
IV12 4AA

Registered Charity No. SC 016094

Rector:  The Dean, The Very Rev. Alison J Simpson


St.Columba's is Open for Service's

The Church is open for Sunday Eucharist at 10:30am.

We are now taking the sacrament at the altar.
(Please let us know if you need a gluten free wafer)

Please be guided by the stewards.

Wednesday Eucharists begins at 10am. Services are in the hall.

Any names for the Prayer List should be given to the Steward or to the person leading
intercessions. There is a list in the porch of those leading prayers.

The childrens area of the church is now partly restored and there are crayons, books and some toys for the children.

Dear Friends, Sunday services are up and running at our usual time of 10.30am. Please remember and bring your liturgy book if you have received one!!!.
Social distancing rules apply, wear a mask if you wish to, to come in and out and the stewards will keep you right from there. Please appreciate that the church is not going to look quite like you remember, but we have tried to make it as homely as we can. And, it goes without saying, please listen and be guided by the stewards, they are there to keep everyone safe.

SERVICES – Sunday Eucharist will be a shortened service and initially, it will just be the celebrant participating. Communion will be in one kind only and we will explain when you come how you will receive your communion. Wednesday midweek services will be at 10am and that service will also be in the hall for the time being.
We are preparing a protocol for home communion so we can take the sacrament to those who feel anxious or unable to come to church at this time. This news sheet and the Sunday online reflections will continue as will the study group.

Please continue to pray for the life of our congregation and our community, particularly those whose lives have been affected by the virus, those whose treatment and operations have been delayed and all the traders and businesses in the town and the surrounding area are, like us, adjusting to a different reality.

Is there anyone interested in stewarding our services please speak to the Rector. Likewise if you would like to resume reading or leading intercessions please speak to Alison.

Childrens Area of the church is now partly restored and there are crayons, books and some toys for the children.

St Columba’s, Queen Street, Nairn, IV12 4AA



Dear friends,

Once again, we are entering into the special time of expectation and preparation, which is the season of Advent.
This year it comes with the added joy that all the things we enjoy in our celebration of this season can happen.
We will have parties to attend, concerts and carols to sing. We will meet friends and family, write cards, go shopping, eat and drink
and everything else that is all part of the chaos of getting ready for this very special time.

We have a number of things happening in the life of the church and there are lots more in the life of our community –
some of which are listed in this Newsletter.
Sadly, the impact of the pandemic, war in Ukraine and the consequential economic pressures and energy
price increases mean that this will be a difficult Christmas for many. The churches, and many others in our community,
are working to provide warm spaces where people can get together for a bit of comfort and mutual support.

There will be more details as plans are finalised and there will be opportunities for those who wish, to be involved.
It does us no harm to recall the story we are celebrating at Christmas, a young family, forced to travel, and then to flee for their lives.

A child born in a stable, poor and vulnerable. Yet this is where God comes to us and shows us how God is with us.
Not in power and authority, or in riches, but in poverty and humility.
We will all enjoy the celebrations to come and, in caring for one another, we live out the true message of Christmas.

With every blessing.

Dean Alison